


February 9th - JAM, SING & DANCE - TU B'SHVAT SPECIAL - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot & Mea Nordenfelt - Register HERE
March 9th - JAM & SING - PURIM FOCUS - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot - Register HERE
April 6th - JAM & SING - PESACH FOCUS - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot - Register HERE
May 11th - JAM, SING & DANCE - SESSION #50 - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot & Mea Nordenfelt - Register HERE

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Come and enjoy an afternoon of Klezmer music and Yiddish songs where you can participate for free as a musician, a listener, a singer, or a dancer! The sessions are open to anyone interested in Klezmer music or those who enjoy spending a few hours listening and/or dancing to Klezmer music.

The location is in central Stockholms and will be announced via email one day before each event.
*Late sign-up may be notified on the same day of the event, around h. 12:00.

We will play tunes from the repertoire of the previous series of Open-Air Klezmer Jam Session, from the Klezmer - Judisk Instrumental Musik and Jewish Music: Ensemble & Song courses' repertoires that Valeria leads at Paideia Folkhögskola, and from the repertoire of the Svenska Klezmerföreningen Music & Dance Jam Sessions. Music scores are available for free on-site and in PDF format in this Google Drive folder accessible also through the link:

You are most welcome to come and spend time with us even if you don't play an instrument! :)

The events are organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola in collaboration with Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm and with the support of Stockholms stad.

Feel free to contact me via

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>>> SCHOOLS <<<
Do you want to bring the OAKJS Klezmer Sessions to your school? Contact me:
valeriaclarinetta [@] gmail [.] com



Winter 2024 - h. 14:00-17:00, central Stockholm

September 8th - JAM & SING High Holidays focus - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)
October 6th - JAM & SING - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)
November 3rd - JAM & DANCE - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo) & Mea Nordenfel
December 8th - JAM, SING & DANCE Hanukkah focus - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo) & Mea Nordenfel

The events were organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Summer 2024 - h. 16:00-19:00, central Stockholm

June 4th - JAM & DANCE  - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot & Heléne Don Lind
June 11th - JAM & SING - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot
July 9th - JAM & DANCE - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot & Mea Nordenfelt
August 6th - JAM & SING - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)
August 21st - JIDDISCH FEST - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot 4et & Beruriah Wiegand
August 27th - JAM & DANCE - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot

The events were organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Spring 2024 - h. 14:00-17:00, central Stockholm

March 3 - Jam & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot. Dances with Mea Nordenfelt
April 7 - Jam, Sing & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot. Dances with Valeria Conte
May 12 - Jam, Sing & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot. Dances with Heléne Don Lind

The events were organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Winter 2023 - h. 14:00-17:00, central Stockholm

October 22 - Jam & Sing - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot
November 26 - Jam, Sing & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo). Dances with Valeria Conte.

The events were organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Summer 2023 - h. 16:00-19:00, central Stockholm

June 7 - Jam & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot. Dance with Heléne Don Lind.
June 21 - Jam & Sing - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot
July 5 - Jam & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo). Dances with Mea Nordenfelt.
August 15 - Jam, Sing & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (4et)
August 16 - JIDDISH GRAN BALL with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot & Friends. Dances with Mea Nordenfelt.
August 30 - Jam, Sing & Dance - with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot. Dance with Heléne Don Lind.

The events were organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Given the success of the sessions held during Summer, we moved indoors for the Winter and Spring to keep on playing and dancing to Klezmer music! 

Spring 2023 - h. 14:00-17:00, central Stockholm

March 12 - "Jam & Dance" with Mea Nordenfelt & Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)
April 16 - "Jam & Sing" with Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (trio)
May 14 - "Jam & Dance" with Heléne Don Lind & Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)

The events are organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Winter 2022 - h. 14:00-17:00, central Stockholm

October 23 - "Jam & Dance" with Mea Nordenfelt and Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)
December 11 - "Jam & Dance" with Heléne Don Lind and Valeria's Klezmer Chariot (duo)

The events are organized by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Judiska Församlingen i  Stockholm, and supported by Stockholms stad.

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Summer 2022 - h. 16:00-19:00, central Stockholm

The third series of the Open-Air Klezmer Jam Sessions for Summer 2022 included 10 sessions of 3 hours each, h.16:00-19:00 in three different venues in Stockholm's municipality: Vitabergsparken amphitheatre, Hägerstensåsens amphitheatre, and Vintervikens Trädgård. Three of the sessions hosted at the Stora Scenen of Vintervikens Trädgård in Aspudden were "Jam & Dance" sessions led by the dancers Mea Nordenfelt and Heléne Don Lind with the following schedule: 16:00-17:00 learning the tunes, 17:00-17:30 break, 17:30-18:30 learning the dances, 18:30-19:00 mingling.

JUNE 1 - 22 - 29 / JULY 6 - 20 - 27 / AUGUST 3 - 10 - 24 - 31

The Stockholm-based Klezmer trio Valeria's Klezmer Chariot has opened the season with a mini-concert and accompanied the dances with live music.

Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte organised the initiative with Paideia Folkhögskola's support, Svenska Klezmerföreningen's support, and Stockholms Stad.

THANK YOU to everyone who came and made possible these fantastic sessions!!

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Summer 2021 - h. 16:00-19:00, central Stockholm

The second series of Open-Air Klezmer Jam Sessions included 6 sessions held at Vitabergsparken Amphitheatre.

The initiative was organised by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte & Paideia Folkhögskola, in collaboration with Svenska Klezmerföreningen, Vargkatten Produktion, and supported by Kulturrådet.

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Summer 2020 - h. 16:00-19:00, central Stockholm

During the challenging Summer of 2020, Valeria organized - with great success - six Open-Air Klezmer Jam Sessions open to anyone, musician and non. Covid-19 security measures were observed and the chosen location offered enough space for the musicians and the audience to feel safe and welcome. Depending on the weather, the meetings took place every two to three weeks. Some amateur and professional photographers took pictures of the sessions, among these, Dennis BederoffUffe Berggren, and Andrzej Markiewicz who also filmed, edited and published a video of Session #5 on his YouTube channel. And Lars Epstein's pictures and words in the Dagens Nyheter Facebook Blog.

The initiative was organised by Valeria 'Clarinetta' Conte.

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